De todos es sabido que el café es un
gran estimulante y que para muchos es la bebida imprescindible para empezar con
energía las mañanas.
Pero lo que quizás no sea tan conocido
son las excelentes propiedades que el café y la cafeína poseen sobre la piel. Y
es que esos efectos estimulantes van a ser de gran ayuda sobre todo a la hora
de eliminar toxinas y grasas, y también a la hora de conseguir una piel más
El café empleado en el jabón hace de éste un jabón tonificante y
energizante, tensa la piel y es un anticelulítico natural. Además el café le
confiere propiedades antibacteriales otorgandole poder desodorizante. Es por
ello que el jabón de café sea igualmente "famoso" entre aquellas
personas que trabajan con productos que dejan mal olor en la manos tras su
manipulación (por ejemplo, pescaderos) y sea un jabón imprescindible en
nuestras cocinas (especialmente cuando hemos pelado ajos, cebolla, pescado, etc
A este jabón de café que les presento
le he añadido café molido . Esta textura granulada resultante lo
convierten en un jabón exfoliante, efectivo para suavizar zonas ásperas de la
Obtenemos por tanto, un cremoso,
hidratante y nutritivo jabón enriquecido con cera de abeja , aceite de
almendras dulces , aceite de oliva , aceite de coco , aceite de canola que nos ayuda a cuidar nuestra piel a la vez que nos ayuda a
despertar con buen ánimo si lo usamos en la ducha y que nos dejará una manos
suaves e inodoras si lo incorporamos a nuestra cocina.
It is well known that coffee is a great stimulant and for many is essential to start with morning energy drink.
But what may not be so well known are the excellent properties that coffee and caffeine have on the skin. And it is that these stimulating effects will be helpful especially in removing toxins and fats, and also the time to get a smoother skin.
The coffee used in the soap makes this an invigorating and energizing soap, tightens the skin and is a natural anti-cellulite. Besides coffee gives antibacterial deodorizing granting him power. That is why the soap coffee is also "famous" among those working with products that leave a bad smell in the hands after handling (eg, fishmongers) and is an essential soap in our kitchens (especially when we peeled garlic , onion, fish, etc.
This soap coffee I present you've added ground coffee. This resulting grainy texture make it an exfoliating soap, effective for smoothing rough areas of skin.
We obtain therefore a creamy, moisturizing and nourishing soap enriched with beeswax, sweet almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil that helps us take care of our skin while helping us to wake up with good mind if we use it in the shower and leave us a soft and odorless hands if you incorporate into our kitchen.
But what may not be so well known are the excellent properties that coffee and caffeine have on the skin. And it is that these stimulating effects will be helpful especially in removing toxins and fats, and also the time to get a smoother skin.
The coffee used in the soap makes this an invigorating and energizing soap, tightens the skin and is a natural anti-cellulite. Besides coffee gives antibacterial deodorizing granting him power. That is why the soap coffee is also "famous" among those working with products that leave a bad smell in the hands after handling (eg, fishmongers) and is an essential soap in our kitchens (especially when we peeled garlic , onion, fish, etc.
This soap coffee I present you've added ground coffee. This resulting grainy texture make it an exfoliating soap, effective for smoothing rough areas of skin.
We obtain therefore a creamy, moisturizing and nourishing soap enriched with beeswax, sweet almond oil, olive oil, coconut oil, canola oil that helps us take care of our skin while helping us to wake up with good mind if we use it in the shower and leave us a soft and odorless hands if you incorporate into our kitchen.